
TheaimofthiscourseistoshowhowandtowhatextentadvancedCALLsystemscanbeusedtohelppeopleacquirelanguageskillsandtoconductresearchon ...,CourseSyllabus.1.COURSECODE.EDU261.COURSE...learnlanguageskills,anddesignandproducesimplecomputerassistedlanguagelearningactivities.,Thecoursedealswiththeuseofdigitaltechnologyandmediaforteaching,instruction,andlearninginlanguagesubjects.Centralthemesarethedevelop...

Computer-assisted Language Learning

The aim of this course is to show how and to what extent advanced CALL systems can be used to help people acquire language skills and to conduct research on ...

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus. 1. COURSE CODE. EDU 261. COURSE ... learn language skills, and design and produce simple computer assisted language learning activities.

CALL - Computer-Assisted Language Learning

The course deals with the use of digital technology and media for teaching, instruction, and learning in language subjects. Central themes are the development ...

FLT881 Teaching Foreign Language with Technology Course ...

This course is designed for both pre-service and in-service foreign language teachers who intend to use updated technology effectively in their classrooms. We ...

LET-TWM405 Computer

This course is suitable for every (e.g. linguistics) student with an interest in, and positive attitude to using computers for language learning. Level ...

Computer Assisted Language Learning Course Syllabus

Course goal: Organized by topics, this course provides a survey of research on issues related to technology and language education.

Course Title: Computer

Course Main Objective. Students who actively participate in all aspects of the course will be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of the practical uses of CALL ...


Module aims. This module aims to familiarize students with a variety of technological tools and applications used in the area of English language teaching ...


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with practical knowledge of computer use in English language learning. It focuses on theories and practices of ...

suggested syllabus content for computer assisted ...

由 K CESUR 著作 — The most preferred CALL course topics in the documents analyzed were mainly related to the theoretical groundings of CALL and their historical.